首页 问答列表 妈妈你去哪里了英文配音


放飞的心情 提问者:放飞的心情 104 70 分享
  • 酥嫩软妹 酥嫩软妹


    Mom, where did you go? This is a question that often comes up in households when mothers step out for a while. It can be a source of curiosity, uncertainty, and sometimes even worry. To help address this question, let's explore some possible scenarios and responses in English.

    Q: Mom, where did you go?

    A: I went to the grocery store to buy some groceries.

    Q: Mom, where did you go?

    A: I had to drop off some important documents at the office.

    Q: Mom, where did you go?

    A: I went for a long walk in the park to get some fresh air and exercise.

    Q: Mom, where did you go?

    A: I went to visit Grandma at the hospital. She wasn't feeling well.

    Q: Mom, where did you go?

    A: I went to a parent-teacher meeting at your school to discuss your progress.

    Q: Mom, where did you go?

    A: I went to a yoga class to relax and take care of myself.

    As responsible parents, it's important to communicate our whereabouts to our children. This helps them understand that we have responsibilities and commitments outside the home. It also fosters a sense of trust and security within the family. So, next time your child asks, "Mom, where did you go?", take a moment to explain and reassure them with your English responses.



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